Supportive Housing program provides care and independent living for
adults with permanent, physical disabilities
The Supportive Housing program provides services to people who require 24-hour access to on-site care. Individuals must be able to direct their own services. Access to the program is administered by the Centre for Independent Living Toronto (CILT) through their Attendant Service Application Centre. Click here to access the application.
Our services are provided by trained personal support staff who deliver care, and develop service plans in partnership with you.
Essential, non-medical personal support services 24/7 for individuals who are unable to carry out the activities of daily living unaided.
Nucleus One:
30 Denarda Street, Toronto.
Nucleus Two:
2100 Weston Road, Toronto.
All referrals to Supportive Housing at Nucleus are managed by the
Centre for Independent Living Toronto (CILT).
✓ Bathing and toileting
✓ Mouth and dental care
✓ Hair care
✓ Dressing/undressing
✓ Help with eating
✓ Range of motion exercises
✓ Transferring, positioning & turning
✓ Preparing meals/cooking/clean-up
✓ Changing bedding
✓ Light house cleaning
✓ Laundry
✓ Garbage disposal
We welcome self-referrals as well as referrals from hospitals, community partners, health care professionals, individuals and family members.
Nucleus Independent Living
2030 Bristol Circle, Suite 110
Oakville, Ontario
L6H 0H2
Charitable #:
11906 3733 RC0001