Click here for the latest information related to COVID-19 at Nucleus.
A message to our clients.
We continue to be living in unprecedented times. Due to the significant rise in COVID-19 cases in Ontario, I wanted to communicate possible service changes and disruptions due to staffing shortages due to illness or high-risk COVID exposure.
Across the health system and beyond, organizations are preparing for the worst, which at this point, is not only COVID hospitalizations, but healthcare organizations operating with reduced staffing. At Nucleus, we have mandated vaccination, pay staff for their time to get vaccine boosters, and have very strict screening protocols. We have also communicated to all staff that they are unable to work if anyone within their household is positive for COVID, regardless if they are asymptomatic. This is due to the very high transmission of the new Omicron variant.
Service Disruption Plan Initiated
We have initiated our service disruption process. This process is enacted anytime resources may be limited or restricted. This is a similar process all of our other community partners are transitioning to. The goal is to minimize disruption for those clients who are considered priority one; who have no caregiver(s) or alternative supports to help them without Nucleus. Our Managers and Care Team Leads are in the process of reviewing all client care plans and will be in touch if there is any disruption.
Please review your emergency back-up plan and inform us of any changes or updates required.
We are also in the process of doing everything we can to increase PSW resources to meet client needs. This includes posting full-time and permanent part time as well as securing as much full-time agency staff as possible to fill in our vacant shifts and anticipated sick time. Please know our agency staff are also experiencing shortages due to illness.
What can you do?
Friendly Calls
As we enter another period of reduced social interactions, you may benefit or be interested in receiving calls from our friendly volunteers. If you are interested in learning more, speak with your Care Team Lead or contact
Keeping our clients, staff, families and community safe is all of our responsibilities. We thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to navigate this ever-evolving situation.
Nucleus Independent Living
2030 Bristol Circle, Suite 110
Oakville, Ontario
L6H 0H2
Charitable #:
11906 3733 RC0001