A message from the Office of the Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities, Government of Canada
The Canada Disability Benefit Act received Royal Assent on June 22, 2023, after being passed unanimously by the House of Commons and being passed by the Senate.
The Government of Canada is taking the next step in implementing the Canada Disability Benefit, with our launch of the Canada Disability Benefit Regulations Online Engagement Tool, which will give all Canadians, but especially Canadians with disabilities, the opportunity to have their say in the development of the benefit’s regulations. The engagement tool provides an overview of the regulatory areas under the Canada Disability Benefit Act, and space to comment on each of them. The engagement tool is accessible and available in American Sign Language and Langue des signes québécoise.
The Canada Disability Benefit is a cornerstone of Canada’s Disability Inclusion Action Plan and has the potential to transform the lives of working-age Canadians with disabilities currently living in poverty. The benefit aims to reduce poverty and support the financial security of working-age Canadians with disabilities by supplementing, not replacing, existing federal and provincial and territorial supports.
There are a number of avenues to comment and provide input outside of the online engagement tool, including by mail, phone, and video relay. There are also alternative ways to access the information provided through the online engagement tool, including in the form of a Word document or alternate format.
Should you have any questions specific to the tool, please do not hesitate to contact the Office for Disability Issues at edsc.pcph-cdb.esdc@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca.
You’re invited to join the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for the live and interactive webinar on Wednesday, December 13, 2023, to learn more about the benefits and credits available to persons with disabilities and their caregivers.
We’ll be talking about:
We will also hold a Q&A during the webinar to answer questions live. Space is limited, so make sure to register for the webinar in advance! If you are an organization that provides tax services to persons with disabilities, we encourage you to join us and share the event details with your clients.
Nucleus Independent Living
2030 Bristol Circle, Suite 110
Oakville, Ontario
L6H 0H2
Charitable #:
11906 3733 RC0001