Families hire paid caregivers for their elderly loved ones for different reasons. Family caregivers need help to complete the many required tasks, or they need a break from the physical and emotional demands of caregiving. Family members may live too far away to provide support regularly. Often, a senior’s needs are too many or too complex for families to handle on their own.
Lists are great ways to stay on track. Write down some big things you want to accomplish and some smaller things, too.
Don’t forget to check in and see how you’re doing. Just because you don’t achieve the big goals right away doesn’t mean you’re not making progress.
When you succeed in achieving a goal, be it a big one or a small one, make sure to pat yourself on the back.
Positive thinking is a major factor in success. So instead of mulling over things that didn’t go quite right, remind yourself of things that did.
Nucleus Independent Living
2030 Bristol Circle, Suite 110
Oakville, Ontario
L6H 0H2
Charitable #:
11906 3733 RC0001