Shared on behalf of the CSS Advisory Table.
The Ontario Health Central Region Community Support Services Advisory Committee - Partnerships Working Group is thrilled to invite you to a virtual conference hosted by Peel Region's Virtual Adult Day Services Team.
We are working to put together an amazing morning agenda for you, including:
Keynote speaker: Dr. Walter Wodchis
Panel conversation including representatives from Ontario Community Support Association (OCSA), Ontario Nonprofit Network (ONN), and Imagine Canada
Question and answer period with Ontario Health Team leadership
More details to follow!
We are pleased to offer this conference at no cost as the initiative is funded by the Ministry of Health.
Please click here to register!
Please share with your teams, and we welcome multiple staff from your organization to join us!
Nucleus Independent Living
2030 Bristol Circle, Suite 110
Oakville, Ontario
L6H 0H2
Charitable #:
11906 3733 RC0001