The Nucleus Values Inspired Award (VIP) award recognizes and celebrates one Nucleus staff member annually who demonstrates our core values – integrity, collaboration, compassion, accountability, respect and excellence, every day. Nominations are submitted by staff and our Staff Experience Council blindly reviews and scores all submissions.
This year, the committee unanimously selected Kimberly Martinez, Manager, Central Registry as the 2023-2024 recipient after receiving seven nominations. “Kimberly is a daily embodiment of our values,” says Laura Salisbury, CEO. “She consistently supports her team, our clients and this organization through her relentless commitment and positivity to going above and beyond in absolutely everything she does. She is so deserving of this incredible achievement.”
Kimberly shows integrity by advocating for anyone who needs help using a strong moral compass. She demonstrates compassion by listening to the needs of others and helping others by exhausting all resources. Her compassion is evident in her efforts to improve processes in the healthcare and social service industry, which demonstrates her commitment to promoting quality of life for others. Her ability to collaborate with members within her organization and external parties has enabled positive change by improving processes and allowing for increased communication between parties, ultimately improving the quality of services to our clients. She has shown accountability by taking responsibility for her actions and decisions. Kimberly's respect for others is clear in her ability to treat everyone with kindness, which creates a quality work environment for all enabling excellence by setting a high standard for others to strive for.
Congratulations Kimberly! We are so lucky to have you as a key member of this team.
We also want to recognize and celebrate all nominees. These extraordinary individuals lead with their hearts and are integral to our clients and colleagues every day. Thank you - Jenny (Client Services & Scheduling Coordinator), Krystyna (PSW), Natalia (Respite Advisor), Helen (PSW), Nilmini (PSW), Beverley (PSW) and Neha, Care Team Lead.
Nucleus Independent Living
2030 Bristol Circle, Suite 110
Oakville, Ontario
L6H 0H2
Charitable #:
11906 3733 RC0001